Lunes, Agosto 18, 2014


               Learning pervades our lives. Among students, learning is involved not only in the mastery of a new skill or academic subject but also in the development of emotions, social interaction and even personality. We learn, for example, to adjust, love, fear, hate and so on. Being aware of the pervasiveness of learning in our lives, we turn to a more systematic discussion of learning.
Learning can be defined as a relatively permanent change in immediate or potential behavior or mental process that results from past experiences or practice.
Behavioral changes that are due to maturation or to temporary conditions of the organism such as fatigue or chemical induced state are not considered learning. All cases of learning are not the same, thus, there are five processes- habituation, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social learning, cognitive learning process.
The kinds of changes that constitute learning range from the simplest to the most complex. Habituation, the simplest kind of learning, accounts for learning to ignore a stimulus that has become familiar and has no serious consequences. For example, learning to ignore the noise of the children playing in the school quadrangle. In classical conditioning, an individual learns that when a professor holds the class card, he will call somebody to answer a question. In operant-conditioning, a human being learns that a response he makes will be followed by a particular consequence; for example, a young boy striking another classmate will be followed by a reprimand from their teacher. In social learning, people can learn from the experiences of others; for example, a young girl always says “thank you” whenever she receives something because she observes this from her mother, who serves as her model. Finally, cognitive processes is in learning assume that learning results from thinking and other mental processes.

Source: General Psychology Book by Pricila B. Dizon

What Men Really Want

 The question for centuries has been: What do men really want? Some songwriters have attempted to answer this, some books and movies have also tried to explain the wonder. However, I have finally research this matter that women have pondered since the beginning of time.
 Many songs have eluded to men wanting a lady in public but a machine at home, both in the kitchen and in the bedroom. Don't go start cleaning the kitchen yet, I'm not done. According to the movies men want some type of hidden respect (in public he wears the pants and at home it's suppose to be a different story). There are many different themes that we can conclude from watching, reading and living but none of those are even the answers to what men actually want.

Men actually want someone who wants them. They have this deep desire to feel needed and loved. But everyone wants to make this a deep conversation, a study or a long book. Why? Because they know that they will spend the money to find out. Women get so caught up with trying to find out what it is that her man wants that she forgets about the fact that she is in a relationship with him. Did you get that? You are with him. Your man wants you. Is that simple enough? It's not complex it's not hard to understand.

Stop going to great lengths to find out what your man wants. If you are not in a relationship right now look at those good qualities and find ways to bring them out more in yourself. You are a jewel and any man would be proud to show you off. But remember, you are the prize. He wants you not for what you are but he wants you for who you are. Make sense of this and think on this things wisely.

Don't Be Bully

Have you ever been bullied or had someone bigger or older take something from you?

I remember being bullied by my classmate when I was second year high school, for a reason that he envies at me because of our grades rank. He always bullied me even if I was hurt physically and emotionally.  He always felt like it was his right to bully me. He hit me for many times and utter bad words at me. That’s why we always went to principal’s office.

It is my fault because I kept on silent; I did not told my parents earlier about my situation. For being bullied, I do not know how to fight fair.There are times when I got discouragement, but still I continue my dreams in life to pursue my studies. I always cried secretly at that time because I lost my self-confidence and I have low self-esteem. I just kept it to the Lord in prayer, and thanks to Him for answered prayers.

Remember that unlike a wrestling match, there is no referee to call "foul play". So it is up to us.
In any argument we need to stick with the issue that we are discussing, try to reach a common goal about what should happen differently, and never bring up something that would belittle with anybody. Make them feel like they did not get a fair fight and always look for the bigger picture. As a future teacher, I will never let that bullying would happen to my pupils. I will see to it that my pupils are safe and sound in my hands.
Don’t be a bully; instead love one another with all our hearts, strength and soul as the Lord also love us all.

To Train up A Child

Proper training always works on every child. To neglect training is to create miserable circumstances for yourself and your child. Out of innocent ignorance many of you have bypassed the training and expected the discipline alone to effect proper behavior.Just like when the headstrong young men join the military, they are first taught to stand still. The many hours of close-order-drill are simply to teach and reinforce submission of the will.”Attention” is the beginning of all maneuvers. Just think of the relief it would be if by one command you could gain the absolute, silent, concentrated attention of all your children. As in the military, all maneuvers in the home begin with a call to attention. Three-fourths of all home discipline problems would be instantly solved if you could at any time gain your child’s silent, unmoving attention.
In Proverbs 22:6”Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.
Train up, not discipline up. Train up, not educate up. Training is the most obvious .missing element in child rearing. Training is not discipline.  A child will need more than “obedience training”, but without it everything else will be insufficient.
Parents should not wait until the child’s behavior becomes unacceptable before they commence training –that would be discipline. Discipline is a part of training but is insufficient in itself to effect proper behavior. Training is the conditioning of the child’s mind before the crisis arises; it is preparation for future, instant, unquestioning obedience. An athlete trains before he competes. Animals, including wild ones, are conditioned to respond to the trainers’ voice command.
By parents’ enforcement, their children are learning about moral, government, duty, responsibility and, in the event of failure, accountability, rewards and punishment. In the here and now, they are also learning to touch, which makes a child’s social life a lot more pleasant.
All children are trained, some carelessly or negligently, and some, with varied degrees of forethought. All parental responses are conditioning the child’s behavior and are therefore training.

The Essence of Friendship

The subject of friendship has been on my mind lately, so I went to the Bible to find out what God says about friendship. A true friendship is a very rare thing, but when it is proven, it is something to treasure and keep safe by all means possible.

There are three verses I want to focus on to illuminate true friendship.
The first one is from Proverbs:
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” (Proverbs 17:16-18)
I have a friend who fits this description perfectly. She loves at all times. She has proven, again and again, that there is nothing I can say or do that will diminish her love for me. When I make mistakes, I can confess to her and be assured not only of her constant affection but also of her honesty. Though she never condemns me, she will tell me the truth about my actions and encourage me to do what is right. Because of her good judgement and her tender heart, I trust her completely. She is a treasure – a true friend.

The second verse that illuminates friendship is this one:
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” (Proverbs 27:5-7)
It is common for a true friendship to be marked by wounds. As we live life together, situations arise where true friendship must express itself by one friend wounding another, or being willing to sustain wounds. The true friend of an addict, for example, may endure his friend’s abuse in order to intervene on his friend’s behalf. We may also have to hurt a friend (or allow ourselves to be hurt) in order to do what is most loving and right for the other person.
More recently, a friend of mine called me out about sin. It hurt my pride, and made me feel terrible. But he was right. And it made me recognize and appreciate my friend’s love for me. Because sometimes the hardest thing to do is stand back and let someone you care about be hurt by your words or actions. But in those circumstances where painful words or actions are necessary for your friend’s good, true friendship means being willing to wound and be wounded.
The third verse about friendship:
“Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:12-14)
The greatest example of this is the action God takes in our lives. I will be honest: I have been angry with God about a few things lately. Frustration makes me lash out at Him and question Him. Just being honest. I recognize, however, God’s friendship in His willingness to put up with my frustration in order to do what is best for me. And I am humbled by His willingness to wound Himself, and His own son, for my good.
True friendship means laying down your very life, if necessary, for the good of a friend. This is the way God loves us. He gives us what is good for us, not what we want. Happily, there are times when the two coincide! But when they do not coincide, and when our foolish hearts long for what will ultimately make us miserable, God is willing to break our hearts to keep us from that ultimate misery. And remember: the heart of God is tender. When our hearts are broken, He feels it too. But He is willing to endure with us. And that is true friendship.